Roland Tournier founder of Ingevin nominated among the 20 personalities of the sector in 2020

“No longer design cellars as we did 50 years ago but as we will produce wines in 50 years”.
This is the goal of Roland Tournier who after more than 40 years of career in the wine industry, has seen the excesses of technology that have forced the sector to implement curative solutions to solve the problems caused by previous innovations.
Wine Engineering: Ingevin signs an agreement with Uzbekistan for the creation of a wine sector

Ingevin was part of the French ministerial delegation that travelled from 10 to 12 May to the Ouzbèk capital of Tashkent, accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Trade. The purpose of this visit was to meet Uzbek decision-makers in order to discuss the creation of a Vine and Wine sector in Uzbekistan. With a rapidly […]
Our EODE winery on the magazine La Vigne

Last November, the Vine published a complete article on our eco-designed EODE gravity cellar A concept patented by the wine engineering design office: Ingevin Initially, this cellar was to be semi-buried. But our innovation adapts to all contexts! The m2 saved thanks to the compactness of the concept make it possible to design a high-end […]
Ingevin launches 2 bottling centers!

At the beginning of 2021, Ingevin design office specialized in wine engineering has launched 2 packaging centers in Burgundy and Languedoc [visual_portfolio id=”4248″] These 2 achievements concretize Ingévin's recruitment efforts to provide a strong multidisciplinary expertise in the support of packaging projects. The Buxy packaging workshop is the last phase of work in a […]